Self leveling concrete

by Garry
(Port Townsend, WA, USA)

Q. I have a 400 sf unfinished crawls pace that I use as an unfinished basement due to its high ceiling height of over six feet. The only thing on the floor at this time is six mil plastic. I want to pump a self leveling concrete floor onto the floor space for foot traffic use only. Will a self leveling cement product be a better choice than laying a typical floating slab? It would seem much easier to simply pump in a self leveling product, but I can't find any information on these products for this application. It seems that they are only used over old slabs, but I would think that it should work over plastic too. I do not need a beautiful finish and am not much of a concrete finisher, so this option really intrigues me.

A. Self leveling concrete (SCC) could be used in your situation, you would have to contact the redi-mix supplier in your area for information about this mix design.

We do crawl space slabs like this all the time. The mix we use is a pea-stone mix, it only has 3/8 sized stone in the mix and is very easy to move around. This mix would be much less expensive. You have enough head room (6') to make this an easy pour for an experienced concrete contractor.

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