by Richard
Q. Which type of concrete is best to use to level steps when there is some paint remaining on the steps? Since the paint is resisting chemical and mechanical removal, the next option appears to be using concrete over the remaining paint.
A. The paint does need to be removed before any repair material can be used. The paint will keep any leveling or patching material from bonding.
There are a few things you can try to remove the paint.
1. A 3000 psi pressure washer with a turbo tip. The turbo tip can be purchased at home depot or lowes. This tip sprays water so hard it's like sand blasting the concrete.
2. A hand held grinder, 4" or 7", with a diamond grinding wheel. This will remove any type of paint on concrete. This does require some experience to use properly. Hire someone if you've never used one.
3. Sand blasting the concrete will remove the paint and prepare the concrete for any patching material. Again, hire someone to do this if you've never done it.
After the paint is removed, you can use a product from Mapai called Mapecem Quickpatch. This product is easy to mix and apply. It can be applied from 1/16 to 3 inches thick.