Is the color in my concrete integral?

by Rob
(Los Angeles)

Q. We are about to launch a big backyard renovation. We have a colored concrete patio but are not so sure that we like the current color. Any methods for determining whether the color is 'integral' or not?

A. If you can dig some dirt away from one of the edges, you should be able to determine if the color goes all the way through to the bottom of the slab or if it is just on the surface.

If you want to change the color and texture of your patio, you can hire someone to do a stamped concrete overlay. These decorative concrete overlays can be as thin as 1/4".

Take a look at the stamped concrete overlay we did at the Sugarloaf Ski Resort Hotel in Carrabassett Valley, Maine.

We used Elite Crete's texture pave overlay material. This product can be used interior or exterior.

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