How to make stamped concrete less slippery

by L. Smith
(Magnolia, TX)

Q. What is the best product to add to a penetrating sealer for an outside patio that will make it a little less slippery when wet?

A. Penetrating concrete sealers penetrate into the pores of the concrete surface and they don't leave a film on the surface. Adding a non-slip additive to this kind of sealer wouldn't do you any good.

You can add a non-slip additive (we use aluminum oxide) to a topical sealer that leaves a film on the surface. An acrylic sealer works good for a stamped concrete patio. The aluminum oxide can be mixed in with the sealer and/or sprinkled on the surface immediately after applying the sealer.

Be aware a topical sealer will brighten and slightly darken the colors in the concrete. If possible try a small area first to determine if you like the color change.

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