Fresh Pour..Cleaning and Buffing..

by Sam
(Canton, Ga)

Q. Just poured a slab on top of a slab in my basement, 3 days ago. I have yet to do any cleaning to the surface. As it stands now I am not happy with the way it has finished. I wanted a super smooth, bust your butt floor.. It has quite a few rough areas.

My question is, can I have a bust your butt floor by cleaning with a scrub brush to remove the white residue, and what tool do I need to make those rougher areas smooth???

Also, how long do I need to wait before I start working on it? This floor will be stained in the end and I would like to see my reflection when its all said and done with.. any advice will be much help.

A. If you want a super smooth concrete floor that you can see your reflection in, I would recommend getting the floor polished. Concrete polishing is very popular, there should be someone in your area doing this.

Scrubbing with a brush will not get you the results you are looking for.

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