Trying to pick the best concrete pump manufacturer, would be a topic of debate among concrete pump owners of Schwing concrete pumps, Putzmeister concrete pumps, Reed concrete pumps, Concord concrete pumps, Alliance concrete pumps and the many other brands of concrete pump trucks out on the market.
If you're a concrete pump contractor or a concrete pump operator, there will be a form at the bottom of the page where you can tell us why you think you own or drive the best manufactured concrete pump truck on the market.
SCHWING AMERICA, INC - is based out of White Bear, Minnesota. Schwing has a broad range of concrete boom pumps, trailer pumps, and separate placing boom pumps. Their truck mounted boom pumps range in sizes from 17 meters to 61 meters with about 13 sizes in between.
Schwing has 13 different size concrete trailer pumps, two truck mounted stationary BPL 4000 series pumps, and three WPT series stationary truck mounted pumpers. They also have three concrete placing boom pumps sized 28, 35 and 37 meters.
Schwing has a patented rock valve technology in a lot of its concrete pumps. No other sequencing valve combines lowest cost per yard maintenance costs and ease of rebuilding as the Rock Valve. With over twenty years of development and field-tested toughness, the Rock Valve from Schwing remains the most effective concrete valve available.
PUTZMEISTER AMERICA - is the North American division of one of the world's most well-recognized and respected heavy equipment manufacturers, Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH. The Sturtevant, Wisconsin-based company is a member of the global Putzmeister group, comprising 16 manufacturing and sales operations worldwide.
Putzmeister has 16 concrete boom pump trucks ranging in sizes from 20 meters to 70 meters. Three of those, 42 - 58 - 61 meters, are roll and fold boom pumps. The other 13 are Z-Booms, meaning when they unfold or fold up the boom it looks like the letter Z.
Putzmeister has 10 truck mounted concrete line pumps, 5 are the CP series which are very mobile units that pump high volumes of concrete. The other 5 are the VS series which are smaller truck mounted pumps.
In their Thom Katts series of trailer pumps they have 10 models to choose from. They can pump a variety of materials, handle the harshest mixes and tackle several difficult applications. Easy to operate and inexpensive to maintain, these units provide faster setup, smoother pumping, easier cleanup and long term dependability.
Putzmeister BSA Trailer Pumps are more of an industrial/commercial trailer pump. They have 8 different models that are ideal for a wide variety of applications, including concrete high rise and long-distance conveying, tunnel construction and other specialty jobs.
Putzmeister has 7 different separate placing boom pumps which are ideal for demanding applications such as high rise buildings, treatment plants, precast plants, bridges, dams and more. Putzmeister Placing Systems provide the highest free-standing heights in the industry without counterweight.
Deck placer concrete pumps, the RV 7, RV 10 and RV 13 Deck Placers are ideal for use on large areas and floors. Specifically the RV 10 is suited for smaller construction sites, while the RV 13 is designed for large-scale sites. A cost-effective solution for placing concrete when large surfaces obstruct a truck-mounted pump.
These two concrete pump manufactures are the big boys in the industry, there are many others with excellent concrete pumps. If you have a concrete pump manufacturer you like please share your thoughts below.
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