Concrete Driveway

by Terry
(Roseneath, Ontario, Canada)

Q. We will be installing a concrete driveway ourselves and have been recommended by a cement company in the area to perform the following:

1) remove all topsoil from driveway.
2) pour about 10inches of tip run.
3) pour about 6 - 10 inches of "A" gravel down.
4) use cement 32c2 with fibre mesh for driveway and saw pressure cuts every 15 feet.

We are located in the country where we receive a lot of snow and run off in the spring.

your suggestions would be appreciated.

A. I live in Maine, USA. We also receive a lot of snow and run off in the spring. This is how I recommend and install concrete driveways here.

1. Remove any topsoil, loom and clay.
2. If no gravel is present in the existing ground, we dig down 4 feet and build up with gravel, rolling and compacting in 10 inch lifts.
3. Form edges with 2x6's and tie a mat of 1/2 inch rebar 2 feet On Center throughout the driveway.
4. Place 5 - 6 inches of 4000 3/4 psi concrete with fibermesh and 6% air entrainment. Apply broom finish.
5. Saw contraction joints approximately every 10 - 15 feet.
6. Apply concrete sealer

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