Concrete apron for a loading dock

by Don
(Windsor Canada)

Q. I am planning to pour an concrete approach (apron) for a single dock position. The approach is sharp radius so the asphalt surface is getting destroyed in a 40' x 40' area. If I pour concrete in this area, how deep should I go to withstand this obstacle.

A. When we have done concrete loading dock aprons in Maine for heavy trucks (18 wheelers) we have made them 8 inches thick with a mat of rebar tied one foot on center each way. We use 4000 3/4 psi concrete with air entrainment, give the concrete a broom finish, saw contraction joints in 10' x 10' squares, then we apply 2 coats of concrete sealer.

A good compacted gravel base would be very important to the longevity of the concrete pad. How deep you go with the gravel will depend on your frost line in your area and drainage as well.

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