Can I pour concrete on my old wood floors?

by Jo Smith
(Port Gibson, MS USA)

Q. I have visited a friend, who had the concrete floors with the stones strategic placed through out the family room and kitchen. It was absolutely beautiful. Her house was on cement slab. My question, I am in a old house and not on a slab. Can this be done in my old house? Will this be real expensive? What I want done:

The Family room
1/2 Bathroom attached to the family room
Bathroom in my Master bedroom

A. If your home isn't on a slab, I'm going to say no. Your old floors wouldn't be able to support the weight it would take to duplicate what your friends had done on their concrete slab.

With some extensive remodeling to your existing floor structure, you could have something similar done with a decorative concrete overlay.

I'm sure this would be quite expensive, but look beautiful.

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