Get your questions answered about 3D Printed Houses

Are you wondering how 3D printed houses are made? 

Do you want to know how much it cost to build a 3D printed home?

Are 3D printed houses strong or energy efficient?

The 3D Printed Housing Conference will help answer all your questions.

Meet with experienced builders and industry experts

The 3D Printed Housing Conference is a virtual event being held May 9th & 10th, 2022.

Currently, 3D printed houses are growing at a very fast pace, the conference was designed to answer your specific and personal questions about how 3D printed houses are made.

The speakers at the conference have actual hands-on experience building 3D houses, designing the materials being used, building codes, permitting, what type of printers are used and the cost of construction.

This will be the largest event to date, ever held, about the 3D printed housing industry. 

Learn how 3d printed houses are rapidly becoming a viable and lower cost solution to building a new home.

Here's some of the expert speakers you'll meet

These experts and more will be able to answer all your questions about this new and upcoming technology as it relates to building new homes.

Secure your spot early as this virtual event is sure to sell out very fast!

Save $50.00 off a single ticket by using discount code: EVERYTHINGABOUTCONCRETE

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